Word Clock Distributor/Generator


£1,929.00 Price excludes VAT

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DCD-24 Word Clock Distributor/Generator

24 outputs – genlocks to external references – great jitter reduction

The DCD-24 is both a Word Clock Generator and a Distributor, using exceptional jitter reduction technology. With 24 BNC outputs the DCD-24 sends accurate Word Clock throughout an installation.

  • TCXO Oscillator
  • 24 BNC Outputs (Word Clock)
  • 1 + mult Simultaneous Output Rates/Formats
  • WC Generated legacy formats
  • 1 User Definable BNC Input
  • WC, AES, SD & HD Video Sync, 10MHz Input Formats
  • 1 Ethernet Port
  • Web Browser GUI
  • Dual 12VDC Power Supply
  • Redundant Power with Auto-Failover

Flexible Output Frequencies

The DCD-24 provides word clock at frequencies up to 192KHz locked to its high precision internal crystal or to an external reference – WC, Video Sync (all standard HD & SD rates), AES3 or 10 MHz (from GPS or Rubidium clocks). The rate of the reference (input) is automatically measured and “learned” while the output rate can be either identical to the input (‘follow input’ – WC or AES only) or set to any other frequency regardless of the input rate.

Outputs 17-24 have a multiplier/divider so that 2 different rates can be distriibuted simultaneously by the DCD-24, for example 48K and 96K.

Auto Failover

If the external reference fails, the DCD-24 switches to internal until the reference returns, smoothly, automatically and without sync shock.


An Ethernet port is included to remotely set and monitor the unit. It is also used to update the firmware.

Power Redundancy

Two external 12VDC power supply can be connected to the DCD-24. It can operate with either of these power sources and they can both act as a back-up for the other with auto switch-over in the event of a failure.