Recognising our unique experience in audio, Avid has appointed HHB as a beta testing site for Avid S6 v2 software.
The release of Avid S6 v2 software adds even more control for navigating Pro Tools and other EUCON-based DAWs from the surface. Working alongside the UK’s leading post facilities, Avid has turned valuable feedback into powerful new features that make working with the Avid S6 even more efficient and workflow friendly, and includes significant XMON EUCON improvements.
Key new features in Avid S6 v2 software:
Attention Track Function Spill (Expand Zones):
Define one or two Knob Modules to be “expand” zones for the
Attention track.
Spill Zones:
Designate areas of the surface to spill VCAs, layouts, tracks
by type and tracks by DAW. Up to two non-overlapping spill
zones can be defined.
Automatic Saving and Loading of Layout Sets by DAW:
Automatically save and load layouts to/from a designated
application on a connected workstation. Designate the target
application from the DAW screen or from the soft keys.
Application Follows Surface Banking:
Banking the surface also banks tracks on-screen. In Pro
Tools, this is enabled using the Preference settings for Edit or
Mix Window Follows Bank Selection.
Automation Breakpoint Data on Display Modules (M40
Systems with Display Modules Only):
Display Modules can show automation data along with
waveforms. When enabled, automation can be shown for
individual parameters on one or more strips.
Creating New Layouts Based on Currently Banked Tracks:
Create layouts consisting of all tracks currently banked
to the surface. This feature is useful for quickly saving the
current state of the surface to a layout.
Assignable Knob:
The Master Touch Module can control knob or switch
parameters in Logic Pro X, Nuendo or Cubase. Once
assigned, lock the knob to that control and move and adjust
other parameters on-screen in the same application.