Exclusive NUGEN Audio Training Webinar

We have partnered with NUGEN Audio to offer our customers an HHB exclusive training on their NUGEN Post bundle with a specific focus on Paragon. Attendees will hear from Freddy Vinehill-Cliffe who is a Product Specialist at NUGEN Audio.

The webinar will be held the 11th of May, we will be hosting the same webinar twice the first will be from 10:30-12:00 and the second will be 13:30-15:00.

Nugen Audio Paragon Session Overview

The webinar will focus on Paragon one of the most recent releases from NUGEN Audio. It is a true convolution reverb with the flexibility and control of a classic algorithmic reverb. From there Freddy will go through the NUGEN Post bundle revealing tips and tricks to get the most out of some of the most popular post-production plug-ins available today.

Attendees will receive an exclusive discount on Nugen Products after the event. We welcome anyone who signs up to send in questions in advance though the sessions will allow time for a Q&A.



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