Dolby Atmos creates an immersive 360-degree audio environment for Film, TV, VR and more. With 79% of consumers preferring a Dolby Atmos enabled theatre it’s easy to see how Dolby Atmos has firmly established its position as the industry-leading immersive audio format. From commercials to box-set dramas, content creators have been quick to recognise how Dolby Atmos can deliver a powerful cinematic audio experience. Recently the demand for Dolby Atmos has risen dramatically with an increased uptake of Dolby Atmos-compatible home theatre systems and soundbars.
Designed to empower post-production facilities to create, edit, mix and master high quality Dolby Atmos® content for Blu-ray, digital delivery, VR, Gaming and more, Dolby have created the Dolby Atmos Mastering Suite. As an authorised UK re-seller of Dolby pro-audio products HHB can supply the necessary support and advice to get facilities up and running to offer their services in this fast and ever-expanding market.

HHB’s offering includes HE-RMU (Home Entertainment Rendering and Mastering Unit) assembly and installation on Dolby approved Dell hardware for mission-critical mastering workflows, plus installation into the customer’s workflow and one day of on-site training. The Mastering System also includes a pre-configured RME audio interface and timecode cards and Dolby drivers.
The Dolby Atmos Production Suite is also available and allows all Avid Pro Tools sound editors, mixers, designers and VR content creators the opportunity to integrate Dolby Atmos into their workflow for episodic TV, pre-production, as well as VR and linear gaming production without the need of any additional hardware.
Dolby have introduced guidelines to give facilities certification for Home Entertainment Dolby Atmos mixing and mastering. Factors taken into consideration include room size and layout, loudspeaker and amplification specifications, room acoustics and mix and monitoring equipment Dolby Atmos delivers audio that can be precisely placed and moved anywhere in three-dimensional space. As a Dolby approved re-seller we can provide support and advice to assist in the acquisition of this certification.
The new Dolby Atmos Home Theatre Rendering and Mastering System is available for demonstration by appointment at the company’s Avid S6 / Dolby Atmos equipped demo facility in Wells Street, London W1.