Digital Performance surround microphone system.


£9,960.00 Price excludes VAT

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The DSF-1 microphone system consists of the DSF1 microphone and accompanying rack mount control box. It is designed for the concert recording and broadcast markets, and is designed for easy installation into venues such as concert halls, opera theatres, and other places where a high-quality and flexible recording solution is required. It features B-formatTM outputs, as well as fully steerable stereo output for recording and headphone monitoring. The polar pattern, width, tilt and rotation of the stereo output can be completely controlled from the processor, and it supports having the microphone rigged ‘end-fire’ and ‘inverted’, as well as in conventional manner for ultimate flexibility. The B-format™ outputs can also be recorded, and then subsequently processed in a DAW using the supplied SurroundZone plug-in, allowing the user to generate any kind of surround format from the original source.

The system can run at sample rates from 44.1KHz up to 192KHz, and can sync to an external word clock. It features comprehensive metering, as well as switchable hi-pass filters and an on-board limiter that can be used to prevent unexpected loud signals to clip.


DSF1 Owners Manual (3.65 MB)