

Version 5-01-09

Version 5-01-08

5.4.0 NEW MP3 Software for PC

Technical Bulletin 5-01-08

5.4.0 NEW MP3 Software for Mac only suitable with Mac OSX 10.4.

How to update the FlashMic Firmware

5.1.0 MP3 Software for Mac v10.3 & v10.5 (mp3-encode function is not available with MacOS v10.5 at present)

Previous Firmware Versions:
Previous Software Versions:

Version 4-04-06

PC setup.zip (1.6MB)

Technical Bulletin 4-04-06

Mac OSX FMMInstall.dmg (3.0MB)

FlashMic Manager software CD image version:

FMM_Install_CD_Image_V5.zip (13.8MB)

FlashMic Manager software Separate PC and MAC versions:

PC setup.zip (1.6MB)

Mac OSX FMMInstall.dmg (3.3MB)

Mac OS-9 FMMInstall.bin (4.0MB)


Current software and firmware versions are: FlashMic firmware 5-01-08 (as shown when powering up the FlashMic and in the firmware version box in FlashMic Manager) FlashMic Manager software 4-1-1 (as shown in the FlashMic Manager ‘HELP’ -‘About FMM’)

CDR 882

Dualburn v101

Dualburn v202

Dualburn v262

60TE drive firmware

DO3E drive firmware

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