PRO TOOLS HD interface for Lynx Aurora.


£331.71 Price excludes VAT

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The LT-HD2 is an L-Slot interface for the Aurora 8 and Aurora 16 A/D D/A converters that provides digital input and output in a format that is recognisable by Digidesign ProTools HD systems.

LT-HD2 equipped Auroras may be connected to HD Core or Accel Core cards with standard Digidesign cabling and are compatible with all HD-enabled versions of Pro Tools software.

• One Primary and one Expansion DigiLink port

• Supports full channel count at sample rates up to 192 kHz

• Allows I/O functions for parameter control to be controlled and monitored within Pro Tools

• Interfaces with HD system using standard DigiLink cables

• Allows daisy-chaining of multiple Aurora converters and other DigiLink devices via Expansion port