FOCUSRITE Clarett 8Pre
FOCUSRITE Clarett 8Pre
18 in / 20 out audio interface with Thunderbolt
£666.66 Price excludes VAT
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The Focusrite Clarett 8Pre an 18 in / 20 out audio interface designed for permanent professional studio installs. Clarett 8Pre features Thunderbolt technology and four 4 Independent line outputs. Audio is captured at 24-bit, 192 kHz sample rates with an exceptional dynamic range of 116dB A/D and 118dB D/A..
Clarett 8Pre offers the latest Thunderbolt technology to ensure interface latency of under 1ms, the lowest latency of any interface using Core Audio/ASIO drivers. Monitor and track within your software without any noticeable delay and unlock the real-time processing power of your DAW.
The Clarett 8Pre interface features brand new preamps that model the impedance and transformer resonance of our original ISA transformer-based mic pre, delivering the classic Focusrite signature sound at the touch of a button.
• 18 in / 20 out
• Independent word clock output on BNC
• Detailed hardware metering for inputs and main monitor outputs
• A wealth of connectivity in a 1U rack space
• Expandable via ADAT input
• Mic Pre EIN = -128dB
• Dynamic range: 116dB A/D and 118dB D/A
• Includes MIDI I/O
• New 64-bit AAX, AU and VST compatible Red 2 and Red 3 Plug-in Suite
• Mac and PC Compatible (Thunderbolt port required)